Occupational Health Assessments identify an individuals functional ability to maintain or return to work.
An assessment gives the opportunity for both employer and employee to negotiate the best reasonable adjustments for a successful and sustainable workplace.

Individual Vocational Assessments
Assessing an individual’s abilities during their work role and daily tasks.
Assessment of functional abilities including matching job tasks to personal abilities.
Identifying the abilities or barriers for a sustained and graded return to work.
Creating recommendations for employee and employer to enable individuals to return to work.

GP Fitnote
Working alongside GP's to support individuals safe return to work.
Identifying when and how an individual should return to work, in partnership with GP and employer.
Developing a graded return to work through an appropriate level of goal setting for the individual.

Graded Rehabilitation
Enabling individuals to achieve a sufficient level of fitness and ability allowing a successful return to work.
Individualised Occupational assessment.
Graded approach to set realistic goals and achievable time frames.
Establish a positive integration for both employee and colleagues.

Workplace Training
In-house training to increase knowledge & understanding of health & well being in the workplace.
Positive and practical workplace tools for a successful workplace.
Management of specific conditions including: Stress & Anxiety.
Identifying positive and negative environmental conditions that impact employees.

Pain Management
Teaching the principles of working and living with chronic pain.
Understanding the Pain Cycle and developing a baseline of activity.
Teaching new approaches to management within the work place.
Setting realistic and achievable goals.
Adopting a Cognitive Behavioural Approach [CBT].

Free 30 Minute WorkFit Consultation
Introduction to the advantages and outcomes of Occupational Assessment.
Allowing improved employee engagement, reduce sickness absence, and increase productivity.
WorkFit supports HR and OH personnel across multidisciplinary employers of small and medium businesses.